My mentee passed away

The news came as a shock.

It happened one week ago.

I learned of the news from a former colleague who pinged me via LinkedIn.

My mentee was only 29 years old.

I still have vivid memories of when we worked together.

He had joined fresh out of college.

His manager left one week into his newfound finance career.

In a short 6 weeks, he was already on the chopping block.

I mean, how the hell can you expect some kid to learn a job and get up and running without any support or training.

The next part I will always remember.

I booked time for us to sit down and train together.

He broke down and cried.

He said, “Yarty, I think I’m going to get fired.”

It made me incredibly sad to hear this.

So I took it upon myself to train him.

And that’s what I did.

I also did it because I knew about his past.

He had also lost direct family members.

It’s extremely difficult to perform under those circumstances.

Why do I know this?

Because I went through it.

Depression’s a bitch.

To anyone who may be suffering, my heart is with you.

This battle is the most difficult battle of our lives.

We will fight it together.

To my friend and mentee — I hope you’re in a better place.

You will be forever missed.

From family to friends to colleagues, we will miss you.

RIP bud.