
Don’t be that person

“You’re never going to change.”

“That isn’t you.”

“We’ve been together 20 years. Don’t bother.”

“You say you want to do. But you won’t.”

“You don’t have confidence.”

Please don’t do this.

  • Don’t discourage people.
  • Don’t kill someone’s dreams.
  • Don’t put people down.
  • Don’t place insecurity onto others.

Instead, do this.

  • Be encouraging
  • Be loving
  • Be supportive
  • Be open-minded
  • Be creative
  • Be a partner
  • Be loyal
  • Be a fighter
  • Be hopeful

Be positive vs. negative.

Be supportive vs. unsupportive.

Be hopeful vs. pessimistic.

Be loving vs. uncaring.

Be open-minded vs. close-minded.

Here’s the thing.

The world is your oyster.

You never know what can happen.

So why not choose the path to happiness and exploration.

That’s how to live.

An ounce of happiness

Everything means nothing when all is gone.

You won’t take your cars, your houses, your money to your grave.

Your status games, your desire to show off, your need to please.

None of it matters.

So focus on what makes you happy.

Maybe it’s taking a walk outside at night.

Maybe it’s tinkering with toys.

Maybe it’s a hot meal out near the beach.

Whatever it is, do that.

Be happy.

In a world where social media reigns supreme and everyone is trying to go viral, stick to what makes you happy.

Sanity is nice.

Forget your pride

Yes. You heard that right.

Forget your pride.

Forget trying to be right.

Forget trying to always be number 1.

Forget trying to stomp all over everyone.

Forget trying to prove everything to everyone.

Forget being miserable.

Forget being prideful.

When all’s said and done, and the ashes have cleared, only the people who truly matter will remain.

When they’re gone, they’re gone.

Forget your pride.

Let them know how much you love them.

Don’t wait.

Don’t let your pride sink in.

Just let the words out.

Be grateful.

Time is limited.

Time is precious.

This is our one life.

Our one and only life.

The Grind.

*Originally posted back in May 7, 2017 after leaving my corporate job

What is the “grind”?

My definition of the “grind” is the ability, determination, and willingness to push through an obstacle, despite the unnerving challenges ahead.

This can be working hard at your job to finish a project deadline, working through the Nth hour on your small business, or even anxiously pummeling your way to complete your last set of push-ups.

As a wrestler and lifelong martial artist, I’ve sustained numerous injuries, puked my share of times after practice, and generally felt like giving up.

But I would always recall the “grind”.

How could I look at myself and just quit?

How could I allow myself to just stop when the going got tough?

I can’t.

To grind through tough circumstances is what develops character, strength, heart, and dedication.

It can be hard though.

Fear, rejection, and anxiety. We all face it.

But what’s important is to remember we will endure it.

We will get past it.

You can grind through the pain.

And remember, when you do, cherish every moment.

Soak it all in.

You earned it.

Because when you take a step back, you tell yourself, “I did this. On my own”.

Grind through the circumstances.

Grind through the challenges and obstacles that lie up ahead.

You’ll be proud of yourself for having done so.

Your Belief In You

*This was originally posted on May 13, 2017

By Les Brown

“I can’t do this.”

“I’ve never done this before.”

“Why does it matter. I’ll fail anyways.”

How many times have you or someone else you know said this?

I know I have.

I’ve passed up on many opportunities due to the lack of self-belief.

But why do we think this way?

Growing up, I’ve had to be my own champion.

I had to pump myself up before big events, whether it was interviewing for a new job or competing in a grappling tournament. Rarely did I have someone nearby to say, “You can do this. Believe in yourself.”

Rather, the opposite and would go something to the effect of, “You could get hurt! Why bother? It’s a waste of time!”

I remember those moments. For whatever reason, I couldn’t get those words out of my head.

Now older, I believe more than ever we need to be our own champions.

We need to tell ourselves that it’s possible, that we have the ability to mold our circumstances, that we have to be intrinsically motivated.

We need to fight for what we want in this life.

I remember the first time I stepped into the cage for my MMA debut.

It was easily the most nerving moment of my life. I mean, I was about to step into a cage, in front of hundreds of strangers, with another man who wanted to hurt me.

I was ready to face the very real possibility that I could have my arm snapped off or be knocked unconscious. Publicly, no less.

But I also believed in myself I was ready. Why?

I had completed an eight-week training camp, sparring week in and week out with the best training partners and having the best coaches around.

I knew I prepared the best I could. I was training twice a day, 6 days a week for my fight.

I knew in my heart that regardless of the outcome, I put in the hard work and dedication. I believed in myself.

Thankfully, the result was positive. I won.

With all that said, believe in yourself.

Believe in yourself when no one else will.

We’re our own worst enemies, and more importantly, our own strongest advocates.

It’s amazing what humans can achieve when we believe in ourselves.

Remember, time flies and days become months, months become years.

Whatever is on our minds that we want to achieve, take the first step. Just take an action.

You won’t regret it.

Fearing the Unknown

*This post was made back in 2017.

“What gives your life purpose?”

Les Brown

I first heard this line maybe a month ago while randomly scrolling through YouTube.

Such a simple line.

So simple that I saved the video and now listen to it once a day.

And so I asked myself, what is my purpose? What do I have to fear?

Memory lane and where it started

During my days at UMass Amherst, I vividly recall asking myself where I wanted to be, what I wanted to accomplish, what were my dreams, and, like so many others, how I would make money (I still think about this).

There were many hard, painful days.

But the one thing I feared more than anything, more than any broken bone or punch to the face I’ve taken, was failing myself.

Giving up, to say it another way.

I remember when I failed an exam.

I remember when I lost my wrestling matches.

I remember not being accepted to my college of choice.

Heck, I remember when I cheated out of my lifting sets!

There’s a silver lining in all of this

But I remember the positive impact from all those experiences as well.

I learned I could deal with adversity, that I could own up and face my fears.

It wasn’t easy, and I’ll never advise that to anyone.

But it’s also why I savor those moments. We all can.

Because we can live to tell about it one day.

A new day to make a difference

With all that said, I continue to ask myself that very same question to this day.

What is my purpose?

What do I have to fear?

I know one thing’s for sure – I’ll keep pushing forward.

We only have this one life.

Live it.

How The Anchor Effect Can Lift You Through Tough Times

If you’re going through hell, keep going.

Winston Churchill

Many times in our lives we’ll face extremely difficult, almost impossible challenges.

Oftentimes, they happen randomly and unexpectedly.

You’re not prepared for them.

However, time and time again we’re able to face these challenges head-on.

Successfully or not, we get through them.

Let me share with you what I term the “Anchor Effect” and how it has helped me time and time again throughout my life.

What is the Anchor Effect?

Let’s start with how Wikipedia defines it.

“The anchoring effect is a cognitive bias whereby an individual’s decisions are influenced by a particular reference point or ‘anchor’. Once the value of the anchor is set, subsequent arguments, estimates, etc. made by an individual may change from what they would have otherwise been without the anchor.”


In simple terms, our decisions are based on some previous experience we’ve had.

This is where my definition of the “Anchor Effect” comes into play for maximum, positive impacts.

I define it as “the ability to overcome inhumane, giant obstacles or challenges by leveraging past difficult experiences”.

Said another way, when you face a hard problem or challenging task anchor it on a previous hard experience.

How You Can Use The Anchor Effect To Lift You

Take a step back.

Breathe in.

Recollect all your challenging moments in life.

Remember what you felt in those moments: despair, disappointed, anxious, fearful.

Recall how, despite those emotions, you managed through.

Now let those moments be your guiding light for any difficult choices, decisions, or challenges up ahead.

Doing hard things becomes easier.

Because you’re allowing yourself to embrace fear, to embrace the difficult that lies ahead.

It’s only through these moments we truly find ourselves and what we’re capable of.

When you’re faced with these moments, write them down.

For example:

  • Create simple google spreadsheet
  • Write list of challenging experiences
  • Date each experience to reflect on
  • List how you managed through them and the impacts they had on you
  • Review periodically

This will be your “bible” when you face difficult challenges.

Your fears, your doubts, they won’t seem so big because you’ll be able to anchor them on your previous experiences.

My Personal Story

The “Anchor Effect” has been a big part of my life.

15 years ago, I was left homeless, penniless, and without family.

To be honest, I still don’t know how I managed to get through those times.

But deep down, I knew I would not quit.

Deep down, I knew I was a fighter. I was meant to fight through this.

Fast forward, being able to recall those tough experiences ultimately toughened me.

I learned to embrace fear head-on, to tackle the impossible, and to try new things.

The Anchor Effect is powerful.

It will make you do things you never thought imaginable.


So when you face life’s toughest moments (which will be many), refer back to the “Anchor Effect”.

Let it be your compass.

Know that you will get through these challenging moments.

That you will become stronger and more powerful from it.

Let those moments define you vs. breaking you.

Become a better version of yourself for it.

To my friends I’ve met throughout the US and the world, you inspire me.

It’s because of you I wrote this. I’m grateful we’ve had the chance to connect.

I’m reminded we’re not alone.

Stay strong.

Embrace the grind.

Regain your childlike wonder

“You have to say, ‘Wait a second. Why are we doing it this way? Could it be better? Could it be different?’ That kind of curiosity, that explorer’s mind, that childlike wonder – that’s what makes an inventor.”

Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon

We all were excited at one point in our lives.

Foods, bugs, stars, movie stars, teachers, athletes.

But as time went on, we lose a piece of ourselves.

Things we used to love no longer seem as enjoyable.

Days, when we were giddy to get outside, are now filled with the desire to sleep in all day.

It all happens gradually. You don’t even notice it.

What happened?

We lost our childlike wonder.

It wasn’t one specific event.

It was more than likely an accumulation of events: work, family, responsibilities, failures, and disasters that pushed our excitement to the side.


How I lost my curiosity and wonderment

This isn’t a how-to guide nor the best way or method.

No. Rather, this is how it’s worked for me.

I hope it may bring inspiration to you.

10 years ago, I was lost.

I worked 10-12 hour days, grinding out financial reports and stressed out of my mind.

I told myself, “Okay, one day I’ll get to that (thing/movie/activity).”

One day became two, two became weeks, then turned months into years.

I stopped caring.

I wasn’t curious anymore.

I couldn’t see beyond what was in front of me: work.

Then, in 2012 I had this moment.

I wanted more. I wanted more from life.

That night would forever change my mindset. It would bring me back to my college days.

The days when I was hungry to learn, excited to try new things and get out of my comfort zone.

Here’s how I regained my childlike wonder

See this kid above here? He’s curious. He’s wondering, “What is this?”

I realized in 2012 I wasn’t curious anymore.

It would eventually be the spark I needed to live my life. To fully own up to it.

I would go on to learn MMA, tackle new projects at work, get married, and travel.

Then, in 2017 I quit my job and turned down an offer from Amazon.

My childlike wonder had me asking, “What do I want to do with my life that I’ve been afraid of?”

In 2018 after returning from a life-changing backpacking experience, I decided I would venture into the world of entrepreneurship.

Little did I know this would be what I was searching for in my professional life.

Admittedly, in my jobs, I would constantly end up doing side projects not related to my job at hand. Hey, I was bored. I wanted more, and I didn’t feel compelled I needed permission.

(P.s. I highly recommend this. You’ll learn a ton. And you’ll learn to be self-sufficient and to think for yourself.)

In the past 3 years since turning down that Amazon offer, my curiosity and childlike wonder has skyrocketed.

I question everything. I find excitement in almost everything. And even when I don’t, I ask so I can learn more.

The best part? I’m not alone.

I found communities that feel the same exact way.

  • What’s no code?
  • What’s marketing? Growth hacking?
  • What is lead generation?
  • What’s a newsletter?
  • What’s a podcast? Which ones are best?
  • How do you buy a company? Wait, you can make money doing what?

So many questions!

But I love it. Absolutely love it.

Parting Thoughts

If you’re asking yourself, “How do I get that sense of childlike wonder?”

It’s quite easy.

Be curious. Have a desire to learn. Ask questions. Be “in the moment”.

Tell yourself, “I want to learn. I want more in this life.”

I’ll never forget Jeff Bezos regret minimization quote:

I knew that when I was 80 I was not going to regret having tried this. I was not going to regret trying to participate in this thing called the Internet that I thought was going to be a really big deal. I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder

His quote always stood out to me above the rest.

I could be 80, on my deathbed, telling myself, “Why didn’t I go for it….”

When you start looking at it that way, chasing your dreams becomes less scary.

So I’ll end with this.

Be excited, Be hopeful. Be optimistic. Be grateful.

Have a sense of childlike wonder.

Tonight, stare up at the stars.

And ask yourself, “What will I regret?”

Taking action today can be life-changing

The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.


Growing up, I was deeply fascinated by things.

Football, baseball, wrestling, boxing, fighting, internet, AIM (yup, we’re old), Myspace (what now?)…the list goes on.

I don’t know why, but I would get entrenched in the topic.

I would study the hell out of it, understand its basics and fundamentals, watch videos, and then discuss it with friends.

Yeah, they may have (most certainly were) annoyed,

But after graduating from college, I joined a Fortune 100’s finance management program.

And just like that, interests gone. Dwindled.

I stopped caring.

It wouldn’t be until December 2012, sitting on the porch with my whiskey that I realized I just stopped caring.

I let myself go.

I took no action.

That, right there, hurt more than anything.

I prided myself on taking action, trying harder, improving myself, and beating the odds.

On that chilly December night was my birthday and I started realizing how many regrets I had.


So I asked myself while dozing off, “What do I regret not doing that I could do NOW?”

Mixed martial arts.

That was it.

Since high school, I always wanted to try my hands at MMA and fighting inside the cage.


Because I was deathly scared.

Being punched in the face, being knocked out, being doubted, doubting myself.

I was petrified. It was paralyzing.

Yet, I wanted it more than anything.

I wanted it for one reason and one reason only:

To prove that I could overcome my fears.

That night was the turning point in my post-college life.

Many decisions thereafter came as a result of that night.

Choosing to live a better life, making money, dreaming of retirement and freedom, fighting inside the cage, volunteering and becoming a board member, being open to opportunities.

Simply, being alive again.

I was dead for a long time.

But that night, that cold night with 2-3 whiskeys down in me, made me realize I had to stop fucking around.

That was 2012.

That was 9 years ago.

So much has changed since then.

I have a son, fought inside the cage, quit my job, learned to code, started businesses, met incredible people, married love of my life and more.

All because of that one night.

My ask of you

What’s something you’re regretting now that you could take action on today?

What would you regret when you’re 80 years old reflecting back of your life?

Have you reached out to the people you love letting them know you love them?

Spend time reflecting. Block out 1-2 hours.

Don’t let another hour go by.

We’re all on a path to somewhere in life.

I truly believe we’re all fighters in one way or another.

Stay well.

Book Review: “Anything You Want” by Derek Sivers

Anything You Want

I recently finished reading the book “Anything You Want” by Derek Sivers.

Anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur, is leaning towards being one, or is just feeling stuck should consider reading this.

Very few books leave me asking, “Why didn’t I read this sooner?”

This is one of them.

You can also refer to Amazon for reviews.

❓ What is it

Derek dives deep into his business, how he came up with the idea CD Baby, how he operates his business, and why he eventually decided to sell it.

? Key message

When you launch a business, it’s only objective is to satisfy and make its customers happy. That’s it.

? Why you should read it

Some books are fluffy. This isn’t one of them.

If you’re looking for key insights behind how a Founder thinks and their motivations, Derek’s got you covered here.

In fact, the entire book can be read in one hour.

? Memorable quotes

They spend decades in pursuit of something that someone convinced them they should want, without realizing that it won’t make them happy.

When you make a business, you get to make a little universe where you control all the laws. This is your utopia.

And that’s it! Six years and $10 million later, those same two numbers were the sole source of income for the company: a $35 setup fee per album and a $4 cut per CD sold.

If you think your life’s purpose needs to hit you like a lightning bolt, you’ll overlook the little day-to-day things that fascinate you.

Success comes from persistently improving and inventing, not from persistently doing what’s not working.

Don’t waste years fighting uphill battles against locked doors.

Improve or invent until you get that huge response.

We’re all busy. We’ve all taken on too much. Saying yes to less is the way out.

Any time you think you know what your new business will be doing, remember this quote from Steve Blank: No plan survives first contact with customers.

Since I couldn’t afford a programmer, I went to the bookstore and got a $25 book on PHP and MySQL programming. Then I sat down and learned it, with no programming experience. Necessity is a great teacher.

It’s counterintuitive, but the way to grow your business is to focus entirely on your existing customers. Just thrill them, and they’ll tell everyone.

It’s a big world. You can loudly leave out 99 percent of it.

So please don’t think you need a huge vision. Just stay focused on helping people today.

Are you helping people? Are they happy? Are you happy? Are you profitable? Isn’t that enough?

For some people, it’s how many people’s lives they can influence for the better.

Your company should be willing to die for your customers.

That’s the Tao of business: Care about your customers more than about yourself, and you’ll do well.

When someone’s doing something for love, being generous instead of stingy, trusting instead of fearful, it triggers this law: We want to give to those who give.

One unclear sentence? Immediate $5000 penalty. Ouch.

I wanted to say yes but let him know that this was really hard to do, so I made a policy that made us both smile: “We’ll do anything for a pizza.” If you needed a big special favor, we’d give you the number of our local pizza delivery place. If you bought us a pizza, we’d do any favor you wanted.

Over ten years, it seemed like every time someone raved about how much he loved CD Baby, it was because of one of these little fun human touches.

But no matter what business you’re in, it’s good to prepare for what would happen if business doubled.

But the whole point of doing anything is because it makes you happy! That’s it!

Never forget that you can make your role anything you want it to be.

Kurt said, “Wow! Look at this place! This guy has everything!” Joseph said, “Yes, but I have something he’ll never have…. Enough.”

It’s not that I’m altruistic. I’m sacrificing nothing. I’ve just learned what makes me happy. And doing it this way made me the happiest.

But most of all, I get the constant priceless reminder that I have enough.

Business is as creative as the fine arts. You can be as unconventional, unique, and quirky as you want. A business is a reflection of the creator.

No matter which goal you choose, there will be lots of people telling you you’re wrong.

Just pay close attention to what excites you and what drains you. Pay close attention to when you’re being the real you and when you’re trying to impress an invisible jury.

Even if what you’re doing is slowing the growth of your business—if it makes you happy, that’s OK. It’s your choice to remain small.

Whatever you make, it’s your creation, so make it your personal dream come true.

When D. Sharon Pruitt snapped this photo of a boy in the sand, she momentarily isolated what it is to be an entrepreneur. Stuck in a sand pit of your own devising, held immobile by tiny rocks, and enjoying every moment of it.

For some, it’s a trap. For others, it’s the only way, a passion and a mission, not a job

Your passion finds you

“You don’t choose your passions, your passions choose you,”

Jeff Bezos

I recently shared this post.


Because for the past few months, I’ve been wondering: why am I running away from my passion?

My passion for helping others, my passion for inspiring and providing hope, my passion to give back.

My passion has always been in martial arts and fitness. Through this I was able to weather the storm that is life.

I’ve always wanted to share this with others to help them achieve their own goals or get out of their rut.

We all get stuck at points in life.

Sometimes we just need a little push to get us there.

MMA and martial arts has always been that for me.

When I was homeless, I wondered if I’d see a tomorrow.

Fast forward a decade later and here I am, still walking and still breathing.

What saved me?

My family, my love for martial arts and my passion for helping people.

I won’t ever change that.

I need to pursue what’s always been in front of me.

Not tomorrow, not next month, not next year.

It happens now.

And I can’t wait.


The grind can be lonely

“Take the journey even if it means alone.”


Since November 2020, I’ve been running, executing, curating, marketing and financing Kick Ass Letters, a private community of like-minded people who are seeking to take on comfort challenges.

As someone who’s never ran either a weekly newsletter or a community, it’s been quite a experience.

On one end, I love it as I’m learning something new, meeting new faces, and connecting with like-minded people who want similar things in life.

On the other, it’s been a lonely journey that has me spending 95% of my time alone (the other 5% I spend meeting people on Lunchclub or attending Dru’s awesome Trends Tribe calls).

With all that said, this whole process been a grind.

As a parent to one little boy, a co-founder of an accounting business, and trying my best to be an amazing husband, I’m wary that my time is being allocated in multiple buckets.

What does that mean?

It can be overwhelming, although mentally I tell myself things are fine. (I know when they aren’t because I’ll start catching a cold or fever.)

One thing that’s been helpful for me to overcome this overwhelming feeling is to daily journal.

I try my best to be as honest as possible, to be truthful on where I can improve, and to be grateful for what I do have in my daily journal sessions.

Here’s an example of my Nimbus template below, feel free to duplicate here:

All that said, I’m really grateful and excited to keep Kick Ass Letters going.

We now have close to 300 subscribers, which is baffling.

What was a crazy idea to me at the time has become something that resonates with 300 others.

I hope Kick Ass Letters can become what I think it can — a movement for like-minded people who’re seeking to challenge themselves into becoming the best versions of ourselves.

I know we can do this.

It’ll be amazing to see how much we can accomplish when we get to do it together — as a community.

Look forward to sharing more updates with you. Stay tuned!

Book Review: “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins

❓ What is it

David Goggins, a former Navy Seal and ultra-marathon runner, details his life’s story.

He shares how he grew up in an abusive home to then becoming one of the best athletes in the world.


Through grit, hard work, determination, and callousing his mind.

A “take no prisoner” mindset but for himself.

? Key message

Callous your mind, harden and sharpen it through grit.

Overcome every challenge through persistence, determination, and with a “no bullshit” approach.

? Why you should read it

Learn how you can overcome your own personal demons and obstacles by hardening and callousing your mind.

Mindset is everything.

Be determined to take action. Don’t allow yourself to be comfortable.

Take the hard road.

? Memorable quotes

Very few people know how the bottom feels, but I do. It’s like quicksand. It grabs you, sucks you under, and won’t let go

The bad hand that was my life was mine, and mine alone to fix.

“What you said is true for most people, but not 100 percent. There will always be the 1 percent of us who are willing to put in the work to defy the odds.”

Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life filled with accomplishments most people consider beyond their capability.

She smiled, but I noticed the tears in her eyes and remember smelling the scotch on her breath when she scooped me up in her arms as tenderly as she could.

You will use your story, this list of excuses, these very good reasons why you shouldn’t amount to a damn thing, to fuel your ultimate success.

If you have worked for thirty years doing the same shit you’ve hated day in and day out because you were afraid to quit and take a risk, you’ve been living like a pussy. Period, point blank. Tell yourself the truth!

But facing that mirror, facing myself, motivated me to fight through uncomfortable experiences, and, as a result, I became tougher. And being tough and resilient helped me meet my goals.

How much longer would I wait, how many more years would I burn, wondering if there was some greater purpose out there waiting for me? I knew right then that if I didn’t make a stand and start walking the path of most resistance, I would end up in this mental hell forever.

The first step on the journey toward a calloused mind is stepping outside your comfort zone on a regular basis.

Remembering that you’ve been through difficulties before and have always survived to fight again shifts the conversation in your head.

Most of us sweep our failures and evil secrets under the rug, but when we run into problems, that rug gets lifted up, and our darkness re-emerges, floods our soul, and influences the decisions which determine our character.

I remembered as a kid, no matter how fucked up our life was, my mother always figured out a way to stock our damn cookie jar.

The reason I embrace my own obsessions and demand and desire more of myself is because I’ve learned that it’s only when I push beyond pain and suffering, past my perceived limitations, that I’m capable of accomplishing more, physically and mentally—in endurance races but also in life as a whole.

The only person you are playing against is yourself. Stick with this process and soon what you thought was impossible will be something you do every fucking day of your life.

If you want to master the mind and remove your governor, you’ll have to become addicted to hard work. Because passion and obsession, even talent, are only useful tools if you have the work ethic to back them up.

Life will always be the most grueling endurance sport, and when you train hard, get uncomfortable, and callous your mind, you will become a more versatile competitor, trained to find a way forward no matter what.

Whatever failures and accomplishments pile up in the years to come, and there will be plenty of both I’m sure, I know I’ll continue to give it my all and set goals that seem impossible to most. And when those motherfuckers say so, I’ll look them dead in the eye and respond with one simple question.

What if?

Stay hard; love you, Mom.

2020 Review & Perspectives

“Learn to value yourself, which means: fight for your happiness.”

2020, what a year.

Every year, I spend an hour or two doing all of the following:

  • Write up an annual review of what I’ve accomplished, need to improve, new bucket list items, and so on (using Notion this year for this)
  • Create next year’s financial budget (gives me comfort)
  • Write letters to myself and loved ones in the future using FutureMe

I do all of this because it’s incredibly important to me to not lose sight of who I am and to focus on my loved ones.

When I was working full time in my corporate position, I was losing sight of what mattered and what was important to me.

What was meant for me to live a fulfilling, happy and honest life was now just about doing anything and everything possible to get that illustrious promotion.

Honestly, it was burning me out and making me sad.

But it wasn’t until I started doing annual reviews of myself that I started to see the big picture: what I wanted to do, accomplish, try, eat, etc.

It gave me perspective on life.

This year was unlike any year. Because unlike years prior, we lived through a pandemic! Madness ?

But the pandemic also shed light into new opportunities. Here’s just a taste of what I was able to try and take challenge on as a result

  • Did a ton of networking & 1-1 calls through platforms like Lunchclub, Focusmate and communities like
  • Met some really amazing people like Noah Kagan, Dru Riley, and many more
  • Tackled the social media world through Linkedin and Twitter (I’m an introvert, so doing this kind of stuff gives me anxiety at times)
  • Tried a ton of growth experiments for our business Meet A4E and gained customers, subscribers, etc.
  • Launched my own newsletter Kick Ass Letters
  • Tried and experimented a ton of new no code tools like Airtable, Zapier, Mailerlite (I count it), Swipe Pages and many more
  • And finally, and most importantly, watched my son grow up right before my eyes with my wife – priceless

So as you can see, 2020, although being a very challenging year with respects to politics and of course covid, was a good year.

Did it yield all of the results I’d hope for? Not necessarily.

Did I hit all my goals? Not even close.

But I was happy? Yes.

And that’s what matters in the end.

At times, I do admittedly feel nervous, anxious and in general feel like I should have done more.

But I keep reminding myself, it’s the long game. Step by step, piece by piece.

In the end, this is my only life. Our only life.

I need to remind myself that things will be okay, to take a step back and reflect, and even more important, take a deep breath.

So yeah, there you have it.

2020, you’ve been awesome, amazing and at times, just awful.

But I’m thankful because I’m still here, with my wife and son, and surrounded by amazing, down-to-earth friends and people.

So to 2021, here we come. A new start, a new beginning, new goals and dreams, and a new year.

To all of you, have an amazing Happy New Year! ?

Videos that have made a big impact on me

“Good enough is not good enough if it can be better. And better is not good enough if it can be best.”

Over the years, I’ve watched a series of videos, specifically on Youtube, to gain insights and to be inspired.

I thought I’d share some of these videos that have helped inspire me, learn new things, gain new skills, and so on.

Here they are below:

David Goggins – Train Your Mind

Rick Rigsby – Simple Words

Les Brown – Fear No Evil

Les Brown – Think Your Way To Success

Carl Sagan – We Humans Are Capable Of Greatness

Carl Sagan – Pale Blue Dot

Size Comparison of the Universe (shows how small we are)

Final Thoughts

There have been many more videos I’ve watched that have helped shape me, which I’ll make another post on soon.

But these videos are ones I come back to time and time again. They help me reflect, see what’s important and realize how insignificant we actually are in the grand scheme of things.

Why’s that important?

Because we should pursue what we love with intense devotion. Make it matter.

They also serve as a reminder that being kind and nice pays off. Because our lives are too short and we never know if tomorrow will come.

Live life fully, be happy, and treat people well.