Being true to myself

For the past few weeks, I’ve been struggling with my identity.

Social media has questioned me on what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. E.g. why do I get so damn bothered when someone unfollows me?

I’ve found myself on LinkedIn and Twitter posting things that were sometimes true to my heart and sometimes only to gain followers.

And it had me thinking…why?

Why does it matter?

In the end, we only have one life. It could be long, could be short. We could die tomorrow.

And should it be spent trying to mask ourselves to please others?

The answer is clearly no.

So I’ve decided to be myself, my true self.

Who am I?

I’m a proud father, husband, fighter, orphan, entrepreneur and brother.

I’ve dealt with my fair share of tragedies, fuck ups and regrets.

At my core, I’m a fighter who’s struggled with adversity and hardship all my life. That’s why I got into MMA in the first place.

Yet, I care and empathize deeply with others.

I loved this recent video made by Noah of OkDork/Appsumo on therapy as well as his recent podcast with Lori Gottlieb.

We need more of this, and I was sad to hear that this video didn’t do as well as his other videos. Noah – if you’re reading this by any chance, please continue putting these kinds of videos out.

Finally, if you ever want to chat via Zoom/Meet, hit me up. I’m always up to meet new people.

Thank you for making it this far. I hope you’re safe and doing well.

Till next time. ?

P.s. I’m launching a new project that actually excites me. It’s called Kick Ass Letters, and my mission with it is to empower everybody to learn and grow through weekly email challenges.

You can refer to the link to learn more about why I’m doing this. And if you’re interested in checking it out or even helping shape the project, check out the link above. Thanks!